Sunday 6 May 2018

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Nossa filosofia não estava aqui para adicionar mais à vida, estavam apenas juntando alguns dos pontos. O CurrencyFair começou quando a resposta a um problema comum expatriando à procura de uma maneira barata e simples de transferir dinheiro de e para seus novos países de origem. A maneira mais fácil de conseguir isso foi trocar com amigos que tinham a necessidade correspondente. Essa idéia simples funcionou bem, então a evolução natural era um serviço que tornaria essa opção disponível para todos. Conheça a equipe Estas são as pessoas que fazem a CurrencyFair acontecer. CEO Am & Co-Fundador Brett é um expatriado australiano que vive na Irlanda, com formação em programação e finanças. Na verdade, é quase como se a CurrencyFair fosse seu destino. Brett gosta de resolver problemas e encontrar maneiras melhores de fazer as coisas. Ele odeia propaganda enganosa e tentará expô-la quando a vir, particularmente na área de câmbio. Director amp Co-Founder No lado errado de 30 anos e morando na Irlanda por quase 10 anos, finalmente me resignei ao fato de que eu não estaria jogando rúgbi para os Wallabies australianos. Quando uma porta se fechou, outra se abriu e eu me tornei co-fundador da CurrencyFair. Com mais de 10 anos de experiência no setor bancário, tenho a sorte de ter retornado para casa e agora lidero as operações australianas de Newcastle na Austrália. Atendimento ao Cliente Executivo Nascido e criado em Dublin, recentemente voltou de viver na Nova Zelândia. Anteriormente, trabalhei na indústria de marketing digital e fiz parte de muitos projetos, incluindo o lançamento de sites de ofertas diárias, gerenciamento de reputação online e implementação de logon único em várias plataformas. Eu adoro viajar, e tentar ir em uma aventura qualquer chance que eu possa conseguir Eu fiz disso meu objetivo de vida manter as coisas fora da lista, a coisa mais incrível que eu já fiz foi nadar com golfinhos obscuros no Oceano Pacífico que eu amo indo para a academia, cozinhando, assistindo filmes e futebol Estou animado para continuar a aprender e crescer na CurrencyFair Eoghan veio para a CurrencyFair depois de 4 anos no mundo bancário, onde depois de ver os últimos lucros anuais do banco ele decidiu que era hora de ir e trabalho para os mocinhos. Ele ama qualquer coisa relacionada a operações e espera usar seu histórico para tornar a experiência do cliente ainda melhor. Quando não está no trabalho, você pode encontrar na praia em casa em Skerries. Ou procurar o melhor café em Dublin (Pergunte ao inferno e diga-lhe). Um londrino sueco com uma paixão por marketing e comunicação emocionantes e relevantes. Tendo trabalhado na Unibet antes de ingressar na CurrencyFair, ele tem um histórico de desafiar grandes empresas estagnadas que sobrecarregam seus clientes. Nils está liderando o departamento de marketing da CurrencyFair e está tentando construir a melhor marca Fintech no mundo. Tendo trabalhado na Austrália, Ásia e Europa, Ben experimentou mais do que seu quinhão de roubos de moeda ao longo dos anos. Isso o deixa irritado, e você não gosta de Angry Ben. Como ex-consultor de RH e editor de um site de RH, Ben cuida de todas as coisas de RH e marketing de conteúdo. Ben é um torcedor ávido, caolho, obsessivo e tingido do Manchester United, Roma, Milan, Barcelona, ​​Real Madrid e Perth Glory. Chefe de Compliance Fintan ingressou na CurrencyFair em setembro de 2015, tendo passado os quatro anos anteriores no Reino da Arábia Saudita em várias funções de compliance sênior com o Arab National Bank (ANB) e sua subsidiária ANB Invest. Fintan atuou como diretor da Associação de Compliance Officers na Irlanda (ACOI). Antes dos seus dias em serviços financeiros transfronteiriços, trabalhou no Lombard Ulster e iniciou a sua carreira na Irish Permanent. Enquanto trabalhava em agências, ele estava em dezoito ataques armados. Fintan é um palestrante frequente em conferências na Irlanda, Reino Unido, Europa e África sobre tópicos que vão desde o combate à lavagem de dinheiro até a governança corporativa de risco. Administrador de Risco e Conformidade Tendo trabalhado anteriormente como assistente de ensino de economia em DCU amp 2 anos como administrador de clientes privados no mundo filantrópico da indústria de corretagem, agora sou um valente recruta da equipe de AML na CurrencyFair. Depois de um admirável dia de luta contra o crime, gosto de imitar as atuações de Cristiano Ronaldo em uma partida de futebol e replicar as habilidades culinárias de Jamie Oliver na cozinha, ambos com tendência a resultar em lesões. Mauro trabalha como engenheiro de software e aspirante a jogador de bilhar. Ele trabalha na área de TI há quatro anos, desde a grande empresa até o trabalho em uma start-up aqui em Dublin. Ele adora tecnologia, música, boa comida (cozinhar, mas principalmente comer) e o AC Milan. a equipe mais bem sucedida do mundo :-). Atendimento ao Cliente (Austrália) Kiera passou os últimos 2,5 anos trabalhando para a Westpac na divisão de atendimento ao cliente. Ela traz uma paixão pelo atendimento ao cliente de 5 estrelas e melhoria de negócios, com mais 5 anos de experiência em varejo e administração. Quando Kiera não tem o nariz na pedra moída, ela gosta de assistir a concertos, a academia e gastar todo o seu dinheiro extra em revistas de casamento planejando seu próximo casamento. Gerente de Anti-Branqueamento de Capitais Lorraine traz 15 anos de experiência em gestão no setor financeiro para a CurrencyFair e é responsável por todas as coisas AML. Tendo trabalhado no mundo corporativo durante toda a sua carreira, ela está realmente gostando da atitude e do espírito inovador do escritório da CurrencyFair. Quando não está usando suas superpotências de combate ao crime no escritório, ela é mantida na ponta dos pés por seus dois filhos pequenos. Em seu tempo livre limitado, Lorraine adora cozinhar para seus amigos e familiares, tenta cultivar vegetais orgânicos e acompanha avidamente todos os programas de TV relacionados à casa, já que atualmente está construindo sua própria casa. Kasia veio para a Irlanda da Polônia como estudante Erasmus com um diploma em Engenharia Elétrica. Depois de um ano na Athlone IT, ela se juntou ao programa de pós-graduação da Maxim Integrated em Dublin. Depois de um ano e meio, ela se juntou ao programa de mestrado da DIT em tecnologia de software aplicada e, posteriormente, ingressou na Ericsson como engenheira de software. Mais tarde, ela decidiu se mudar para Dublin, onde teve uma breve estada na Paddy Power para, mais tarde, experimentar o mundo das startups ingressando na CurrencyFair. Ativação do cliente (Austrália) Leo é outro membro da equipe da CurrencyFair que já havia passado seus melhores anos trabalhando no setor bancário do Barclays em Londres. Tendo visto a luz, ele se mudou com sua jovem família para se mudar do Reino Unido para a Austrália e agora está ajudando em questões de AML com o escritório abaixo. Em seu tempo livre (quando seu filho lhe oferece algum) entre muitos interesses ele gosta de esportes e viagens. YNWA Engenheiro Sênior, trabalhando principalmente em nosso PHP, banco de dados e sistemas apoiados pelo Amazon AWS. Vindo de um histórico em empresas internacionais bem-sucedidas, como Hostelworld e dotMobi, ele encontrou sua vocação trabalhando para startups, passando vários anos ajudando a levar uma empresa de análise de dados baseada em ciência para acelerar a ampliação da capacidade de venda. Seu amor pela tecnologia é superado apenas por seu amor por cães e, como Shane, acredita que gatos não são confiáveis. Depois de gastar 13 anos no setor bancário, Colin compara sua fuga para Andy Dufrense em Shawshank Redemption. Ele se juntou à equipe CurrencyFair AML, onde ele acredita que está lutando contra o crime pelos mocinhos. Quando ele não estiver lutando contra o crime, é mais do que provável que você encontre Colin jogando futebol ou assistindo à final da All-Ireland de 1982, ou como ele chama de Offalys, o melhor dia. Depois de um período de 6 anos no mundo corporativo com a KPMG e a AIB, David percebeu que definitivamente era hora de mudar e se juntou à equipe de pagamentos e lucros aqui no CurrencyFair. Paixões Davids na vida são comida, tv, futebol e pagamentos Ele adora jogar, assistir e falar de futebol, especialmente qualquer coisa Arsenal. David também está atualmente à procura do melhor time de monitoração de transações da Dublins. O líder Ewa trabalhou no Departamento de AML no Citi ao lado de Aisling. Ela gostou tanto disso que quando Aisling saiu para trabalhar em CurrencyFair, ela decidiu segui-la e eles juntaram suas forças novamente. Ewa é originária da Polônia, mas a Irlanda é sua segunda casa. De volta à Polônia, ela trabalhou como professora, destacando sua atenção aos detalhes. 8 anos atrás, quando ela veio pela primeira vez para a Irlanda, trabalhou como garçonete em Ranelagh Village, conhecendo vários sotaques irlandeses e como servir uma caneca perfeita de cerveja Guinness. Ewa trabalha no setor bancário há mais de 4 anos e agora está de volta a Ranelagh, acompanhando de perto os documentos da AML. Oran é um Engenheiro Sênior com foco nos principais componentes Java. Ele trabalhou em vários campos em pagamentos móveis, integração de redes, jogos, intercâmbio de mensagens B2B e desenvolvimento de protocolos. Ele fabrica sua própria cerveja e gosta de ir ao mar em nada mais que um pedaço de plástico fino, embora não ao mesmo tempo. Geoff se juntou à equipe de Serviços ao Cliente depois de três anos com uma multinacional americana. Em uma vida anterior, ele trabalhou como jornalista, onde sua natural introspecção foi recompensada e não desaprovada. Acreditando ser um bom jogador de bilhar, ele desafiou todos em CurrencyFair para um jogo. Isso não acabou bem como ele está atualmente sem uma vitória. Seus outros hobbies são nadar no mar da Irlanda (quando ele está se sentindo corajoso) e jogar tênis. Nicola juntou-se à equipe da CurrencyFair como Oficial de Liquidação e Reconciliação. Por seus pecados, ela já havia trabalhado no setor bancário por quase 10 anos Nicola tinha um grande interesse em Camogie durante seus anos mais jovens, mas depois de dois braços quebrados, alegremente se resignou com as linhas laterais. No entanto, um recém-descoberto amor pela piscina em CurrencyFair pode trazer à tona seu lado competitivo. Originalmente a partir de Cork, mas a poucos passos do museu da manteiga, Shane passou um longo período de sua vida inicial no serviço nacional trabalhando como garçom. Depois de um curto período na França, ele chegou em Dublin em 2004 para passar alguns meses com a família e 10 anos depois, ainda não conseguiu escapar. Durante os 10 anos, Shane trabalhou em inúmeras empresas na área de pagamentos, treinando para sua mudança para a CurrencyFair. Shane não gosta de gatos. Ivan liderou muitos projetos que moldaram a direção visual e a experiência do usuário do CurrencyFair e de sua empresa anterior, a Hostelworld (Mobile Site and Apps), que também ganhou prêmios. Ele é um aficionado por fotografia (tendo trabalhado como fotojornalista para um jornal argentino), um ávido ciclista de montanha e desfruta de uma boa partida de rúgbi. Pawel lidera a equipe de Operações e é responsável por qualquer coisa a ver com o lado financeiro das coisas aqui na CurrencyFair: hedge, depósitos do tesouro, pagamentos. O nome é Pawel é um funcionário fundador, tendo se juntado antes mesmo de lançarmos o seu histórico de estrutura financeira, incluindo CDOs e ABSs infames. Ele fazia parte do JP Morgan e do Bank of New York. Stella nasceu e cresceu no Ocidente, perto da menor cidade do mundo. Após um período de trabalho no mundo da arquitetura, ela passou a fazer o laser para uma reforma da mídia digital, surgindo com uma paixão pela criação de experiências de usuário significativas no cenário digital. Ela gosta de tirar fotos, fazer as coisas funcionarem, a pista de dança e sua grande bicicleta. A Stella chegou à Currency Fair para tornar nossos produtos on-line mais agradáveis ​​e fáceis de usar, economizando não apenas dinheiro, mas também tempo e esforço ao trocar moedas on-line. Oficial de Reconciliação de Pagamentos Tendo trabalhado em bancos e finanças por muitos anos, Sallyann veio para a CurrencyFair para se juntar à equipe de Operações. Com grande interesse em Marketing, Sallyann estuda diploma de Marketing com Mídia Digital e recentemente concluiu um diploma em Marketing, Vendas, Publicidade e Relações Públicas. Ela também trabalhou como assistente de cuidados por um curto período de tempo antes de estudar enfermagem. Sallyann gosta de viajar (para fugir do clima irlandês) e adora comer fora. Ela adora cachorros, todo gato que ela possuiu fugiu, e quando ela era criança a família tinha um burro de estimação chamado Bigears Kamil é um engenheiro de software que trabalha principalmente com PHP Javascript, mas ele não tem medo de Java. Ele recentemente se mudou para a Irlanda da Polônia, onde trabalhou como desenvolvedor web nos últimos anos. Ele também trabalhou na indústria de TI, Vendas e Eletrônica. Fora do trabalho, ele gosta de tocar piano e, como estudou Eletrônica, adora construir dispositivos eletrônicos e robôs. Suresh é um graduado recente e foi financiado pela comissão da UE para a pesquisa na área de Cloud Computing. Depois de passar alguns meses na pesquisa, Suresh entrou para a equipe de tecnologia da CurrencyFair como engenheiro de software. Suresh adora jogar Cricket e é membro do Tyrrelstown Cricket Club. Ele gosta de caminhar a pé WALK. Alex é um dos primeiros funcionários da CurrencyFair. Alex trabalhou para várias corporações na Europa e na Ásia e adora resolver problemas de negócios e melhorar os negócios em que se envolve. Quando não está trabalhando, ele adora arremessar alguns tribunais locais e também é um ávido jogador de consoles. Ele é uma prova viva de que homens brancos podem pular. Atendimento ao Cliente King Tim lidera a equipe de atendimento ao cliente da CurrencyFairs, tendo desenvolvido o amor de ajudar os clientes desde cedo. Tim trabalhou anteriormente em finanças estruturadas e acredita que a queda do Lehman Brothers se deveu a um serviço inadequado ao cliente e não devido à exposição à dívida subprime amplamente divulgada. Tim adora jogar rúgbi e vinho tinto, embora não ao mesmo tempo. Customer Service Executive (Escritório da Austrália) Leah é apaixonada pela excelência no atendimento ao cliente e tem uma sólida experiência em atendimento e administração ao cliente. Antes de ingressar na CurrencyFair, Leah trabalhou para a Canon Australia por vários anos em várias funções de atendimento ao cliente antes de passar para o HR Team Assistant do Pacific Smiles Group. Quando não está no trabalho, ela passa o tempo em eventos esportivos de Rugby a Cricket, graças ao marido e aos três filhos, e até aprendeu a ganhar pontos em alguns jogos de críquete. Chefe de Marketing Online Simon nasceu há algum tempo, não muito longe daqui. Ele estudou Economia e Filosofia, e depois trabalhou na Paddy Power para passar o tempo até ser chamado para servir na CurrencyFair. Ele é um grande defensor da Oxford Comma. Ele recomenda os escritos de James Joyce e os filmes de Macaulay Culkin para quem quiser ouvir. Originalmente vindo de Albury, na Austrália, Matt se mudou recentemente para Dublin vindo de Melbourne. Ele começou como um designer digital, mas rapidamente progrediu para o design de UI / UX e desenvolvimento de front end. Em seu papel na CurrencyFair, Matt combina seu prazer pela resolução de problemas com seu talento para a criatividade. Em seu tempo livre, ele segue avidamente todo e qualquer esporte, sua paixão sendo AFL e qualquer coisa relacionada a Essendon Bombers. Na verdade, ele recentemente saiu da aposentadoria para vestir suas botas AFL para uma partida ocasional com os South Dublin Swans. AML Guru (Austrália) Mary trabalha como CurrencyFairs AML Administrator fora do Australian Office. Antes de se mudar para a CurrencyFair, trabalhou principalmente em Operações de Mercados Financeiros no St. George Bank por mais de oito anos. Mary é uma leitora de livros e em seu tempo livre, quando não está lendo, você vai encontrá-la fazendo compras em boutiques fofas, caçando ótimos cafés e comida ainda melhor ou em uma aula de Power Yoga. Darren é um dos primeiros usuários do CurrencyFair e, em seguida, tornou-se um investidor em estágio inicial. Em janeiro de 2013, ele deixou o cargo de dez anos administrando um Fundo de Hedge de Participações em Estratégias Múltiplas, com sede em Londres, para administrar os Pagamentos de Riscos da CurrencyFairs. Em seu tempo livre, Darren gosta de Parkour enquanto salta de base com tubarões. James era um bebê fofo, mas peludo, e percebeu desde cedo as vantagens de gravar música do rádio em fitas. Juntando-se à Paddy Power, James desenvolveu um grande interesse em todas as coisas, gastando três anos em sua equipe de SEO, dominando tudo. Mudou-se para a CurrencyFair para ver o que é essa brincadeira de start-up. Torcedor do Liverpool, mas percebe que isso provavelmente não é o nosso ano. No próximo ano, não é. Amante do cão, porque os gatos são desonestos. Gianluca vem da Itália, é engenheiro de software há cerca de 4 anos. Ele é apaixonado por toda a pilha, mas se concentra particularmente na computação em nuvem, automação e cultura de DevOps. Colaborador da OpenSource e às vezes blogueiro e palestrante. Eoghan é um membro da equipe de serviços ao cliente CurrencyFair. Antes disso, ele passou dois anos no Google Maps em várias funções, desde atendimento ao cliente até gerenciamento de projetos. Eoghans é um grande fã de futebol e ocasionalmente gosta de fingir que é um jogador de futebol no campo de 5. Ele também toca bateria e tem como objetivo formar o tributo inaugural da CurrencyFair dos anos 80. Executivo de atendimento ao cliente Originalmente começou no setor de varejo, com uma paixão pela moda, que foi de curta duração quando percebi que trabalhar no varejo significava não ter vida social. Eu fiz um curto período em Allianz antes de começar como um temporário em CurrencyFair e me apaixonei - principalmente alimentado pelo bar e mesa de bilhar agora sou permanente em CurrencyFair e espero levar o trabalho de Eoghans dentro do ano. O Executivo Australiano de Operações Graeam começou no setor bancário e financeiro antes de co-fundar uma start-up de FX. Atraído pelo fascínio do novo espaço de câmbio P2P, Graeam se juntou à CurrencyFair, trazendo seus 12 anos de experiência em FX para ajudar a administrar a operação australiana. Keith é membro da equipe do produto CurrencyFair. Antes de ingressar na CurrencyFair, ele passou quatro anos trabalhando no Citi, onde foi fundamental na construção e implantação de uma rede global de arrecadação de dinheiro em 70 países. Tendo ficado desiludido com as crescentes taxas de câmbio para enviar dinheiro para outros bancos, ele aproveitou a chance de se juntar à equipe da CurrencyFair para enfrentar os grandes bancos. Tendo anteriormente trabalhado como um guru de reclamações para o IFDS, uma empresa de terceirização de processos de negócios, por mais de três anos, a influência de trabalhar ao lado de meus antigos assombra Russells, era difícil demais de recusar. Ah, isso e ajudar a equipe da CurrencyFairs AML a combater o crime diariamente. No meu tempo livre eu gosto de assistir rugby e futebol e jogar partidas ocasionais de sinuca. mas de acordo com um colega eu sou como origami. Eu dobrei sob pressão. Kevin vem com quase 4 anos de experiência trabalhando em várias Startups diferentes envolvidas em algumas indústrias muito diferentes, desde resgate de vales e reservas, até jogos de computador e mantimentos. Além de ter fundado o primeiro serviço de assinatura da Irelands para roupa íntima masculina. Kevin juntou-se à equipe da CurrencyFair para ajudar no crescimento através de um ótimo atendimento ao cliente. Seus amores são café e quadrinhos. O executivo de operações australiano Michael trabalhou para a Westpac no varejo e no back office, até se juntar à fair dinkum CurrencyFair. Ele ama música e gosta de tocar sua gaita e guitarra e, se for provocado, pode cantar alguns vocais. Ele adora viajar e passou um tempo fantástico no Big Easy em Nova Orleans em uma dessas viagens. Ele gosta de pescar e crabbing. Ele é louco por rugby, críquete e desfrutar de seus passeios com seu cão de gado, repolho. Depois de me formar em sociologia, trabalhei como investigador de fraudes no mundo bancário por alguns anos e depois para uma das companhias de crédito mais infames do Reino Unido, então agora é definitivamente hora de trabalhar com os mocinhos para variar. . Grande interesse em todas as coisas de música e útil com um remo depois de todos os meus anos jogando pingue-pongue em Din Daeng. Killian ingressou na CurrencyFair depois de muitos anos de experiência em atendimento ao cliente em empresas como Unilever, O2 e Aviva Insurance. Em seu tempo livre, ele gosta de assistir e jogar futebol, críquete e golfe (mal). Infelizmente, seu tempo livre é inexistente no momento em que ele se tornou recentemente um pai novo e orgulhoso. Ao redor do escritório ele pode ser ouvido relembrando histórias sobre sua nova filha, o que seus colegas acham fascinante. Mario mudou-se recentemente da Croácia para Dublin, onde trabalha como engenheiro de software na CurrencyFair. Ele começou a programar na 7ª série quando descobriu como modificar scripts de videogames para obter carros melhores no jogo e desde então tem adorado o desenvolvimento de software. Mario é um grande fã de Star Trek e Top Gear. eljko começou a programar imediatamente depois de ter seu primeiro ZX80 de volta nos anos 80. Ele acha que o código deve ser como um romance - fácil de ler e entender, mas interessante o suficiente para fazer você pensar sobre isso. Anteriormente trabalhando em áreas de bancos e apostas, ele se viu querendo ser global com a CurrencyFair. Administradora de risco e conformidade Nicole é uma canadense que odeia o frio, algo que os australianos lutam para entender. Infelizmente, viver em Londres por 5 anos não a preparou para evitar tubarões aqui na ensolarada Oz. Eu sou um membro da equipe AML, colocando meus diplomas em inglês e australiano em bom uso. Tendo trabalhado em restaurantes de luxo em todo o mundo, ela conhece lugares fantásticos para comer e tem amplo conhecimento de vinhos. Todos os que a ajudaram a se instalar facilmente no escritório australiano. Head of People and Culture Caroline é uma líder de RH experiente que aproveita as oportunidades para trabalhar com pessoas inteligentes, inovadoras e divertidas para ajudar empresas e pessoas a serem versões mais fortes e melhores de onde e quem são hoje. Durante seus cinco anos vivendo na Austrália, ela se tornou uma fã fiel do CurrencyFair. Tendo re-localizado em casa para a Irlanda, Caroline está empolgada para trabalhar com nossa equipe de liderança apaixonada na construção de uma cultura de empresa vencedora enquanto o negócio se expande. Mateusz é um engenheiro de software que brinca com Java há 5 anos. Queria ser médico, estudou medicina por um ano, mas decidiu que o raciocínio lógico é mais atraente para ele e por isso ele seguiu seu hobby - a programação. Expat vem da Polônia, amante de cerveja artesanal, jogador de boardgames hardcore e entusiasta da cultura da Ásia Oriental que sabe falar um pouco de japonês. Especialista em PHP estratégico, apaixonado por tecnologia desde a mais tenra idade, Daniel juntou-se recentemente à CurrencyFair na esperança de que isso seria um atalho para o sucesso. Angus é um cientista de dados da CurrencyFair. Tendo estudado engenharia, ele passou a trabalhar em uma start up antes de se mudar para uma grande empresa de telecomunicações como analista de dados. Quando ele não está brincando com conjuntos de dados usando R, VBA SQL, ele gasta seu tempo lamentando sua escolha de clube de futebol (Newcastle), pedalando e fazendo planos de férias excessivamente elaborados. Anca é um engenheiro de Java apaixonado, sempre ávido para fazer as coisas e aprender novas tecnologias. Tendo vivido na Suécia por um tempo e vindo da terceirização do mundo de TI, ela gosta de soluções eficientes e inovadoras. Quando não está no trabalho, ela adora planejar novas viagens e muitas vezes sonha em ter todos os tipos de experiências únicas na vida. Ela acaba por tê-los enquanto viaja. Liderar o Engenheiro de Software Kishore, um desenvolvedor full-stack poliglota que adora trabalhar com diferentes tecnologias. Tendo trabalhado por muitos anos em diferentes tecnologias com grandes multinacionais gordas para ONGs na África, ele foi mordido pelo bug da startup há quase 2 anos e desde então não olhou para trás. Kishore traz para a mesa uma experiência técnica forte e profunda, combinada com habilidades de consultoria e gerenciamento de produtos. Ele é apaixonado por software Open Source. O desenvolvedor líder de PHP Gareth é um Engenheiro Chefe de PHP, tendo anteriormente trabalhado na indústria de ATS e depois com o Hostelworld antes de ingressar na CurrencyFair. Um participante entusiasta da conferência de tecnologia e gosta de manter contato com as últimas tendências tecnológicas. Ele gosta de comer fora (incluindo check-ins obsessivos no Facebook) e um dia pretende escrever um guia de restaurantes chamado Nyoms of Ireland. Em seu tempo livre, ele gosta de correr, assistir a F1, tirar fotos (sem um bastão de selfie) e mexer com um Raspberry Pi. A gerente de analistas de negócios, Esther, trabalhou na indústria de serviços financeiros e pagamentos por 10 anos (sei, eu sei, ela só parece ter 21 anos e 25 talvez). Esther vem de um histórico operacional originalmente e mudou-se para IT e Business Consultancy. Esther está muito animada para se juntar à equipe de produtos da CurrencyFairs. Esther adora viajar, comer fora, apreciar belas paisagens e aproveitar fins de semana em sua cidade natal, Sligo. Paul trabalhou como designer para produtos digitais focados em negócios e consumidores nos últimos anos. Acreditando em uma abordagem menor, mas melhor, ao design, Paul se esforça para criar uma experiência significativa e intuitiva para todos os usuários da CurrencyFair. Além disso, ele é dono de dois cockatiels de estimação, um dos quais é nomeado após Meryl Streep. Customer Service Executive Vindo da ensolarada Venezuela, Valia está trazendo um pouco mais do estilo latino para a CurrencyFair. Ela é uma arquiteta treinada e começou sua carreira projetando e vendendo cozinhas italianas. Aqui Valia aprimorou seu atendimento ao cliente e suas habilidades de vendas e agora está trazendo essas habilidades para o CurrencyFair. Ela ama tudo a ver com arte e café e sim ela pode dançar salsa mas não tão boa quanto ela pensa que ela faz. Gavin, líder da equipe de ativação do cliente, trabalhou por 8 anos na Unidade de Crimes Financeiros do Bank of Irelands, trabalhando no varejo, cartão de crédito e verificação de fraudes. Depois de ter trabalhado em um banco durante a Grande Recessão, Gavin decidiu que era hora de se mudar e se uniu à PaddyPower para trabalhar em sua equipe AML em 2014 e recentemente fez a grande mudança para a CurrencyFair. Gavin é um ávido fã de esportes e joga futebol na liga sênior de Leinster. Em seu tempo livre Gavin gosta de relaxar com amigos e familiares e ama uma boa sessão. Antes de ingressar na CurrencyFair, Carl trabalhou como sub-editor do Irish Daily Star, como jardineiro em Vancouver e no Departamento de NAMA da AIB. Os interesses de Carls incluem futebol, cortar o cabelo e usar os jeans mais finos do escritório (isso inclui as mulheres). Brian se juntou a nós depois de passagens em Glanbia e SAP Ireland como analista de suporte da SAP. Quando não está viajando pelo país seguindo sua amada cidade de Longford, ele também é um fã de Longford GAA Liverpool, além de ser um autoproclamado conhecedor de filmes e TV. Não é tão orgulhoso proprietário dos joelhos mais desbotados deste lado do Shannon. Antes de ingressar na CurrencyFair, Jamie trabalhou com startups de base para grandes corporações. Ele espera trazer algumas lições aprendidas desses ambientes para a CurrencyFair. Ele tem interesses em tecnologia, psicologia e design de todas as coisas. Enquanto não está trabalhando, Jamie está interessado em mountain bike, caminhadas, viajar e conversar com amigos e familiares. Executivo de Atendimento ao Cliente Adam é membro da equipe de Serviços ao Cliente, tendo trabalhado anteriormente em Operações de Produção com a Omnipay e como Líder de Equipe e Avaliador de Dados com o Google Maps. Tendo recentemente se mudado para Bray, Adam está adorando o novo caos de trânsito que encontra em seu trajeto diário para a CurrenyFair. Em seu tempo livre, ele gosta de jogar Wreck the Place com seu filho bebê. Responde bem ao queijo. Shane tem uma sólida experiência em serviços financeiros, atuando anteriormente como revendedora de tesouraria corporativa, bem como no setor de câmbio de varejo como analista de negócios. Ele é apaixonado por ótimos produtos e experiências de usuário de primeira classe. Em busca de emoção, Shane também gosta de golfe, futebol de 5 e uma ocasional viagem de snowboard. Ama gatos. Brian é um galego que vive em Dublin por muitos anos para contar. Ele se juntou à equipe de produtos da CurrencyFair depois de três anos na Realex Payments. Quando não está no trabalho, Brian gosta de gritar com performances ineptas de suas equipes esportivas, praticar esportes (também inepto), falar alto, comer burritos e escrever biografias sobre si mesmo. Rob é um graduado relativamente recente da UCD. Ele passou algum tempo trabalhando em Xangai antes de retornar à Irlanda para ocupar um cargo na AIB Merchant Services. Ele então trabalhou para o Citi em um papel AML antes de ingressar na CurrencyFair. Embora seus dias de jogo estejam um pouco atrás dele, ele é um entusiasta do GAA, do futebol americano e do rugby. Lorraine, parceira de negócios em Recursos Humanos, juntou-se à equipe da CurrencyFair como coordenadora de operações de pessoas. Lorraine tem uma paixão por viajar e voltou recentemente de Vancouver, no Canadá, onde viveu e trabalhou por 4 anos. Durante seu tempo lá, Lorraine não só aprendeu a esquiar, mas também ganhou experiência fantástica no campo de RH. Ela está animada para trabalhar junto com os membros de sua equipe para construir a fantástica cultura da CurrencyFair enquanto continuamos a crescer. Enquanto esperava na recepção por sua entrevista, Elaine sabia que a CurrencyFair era a empresa para ela - todos a fizeram se sentir realmente bem-vinda. Ela se junta como Gerente de Produto do Citi, onde trabalhou por mais de 4 anos no Laboratório de Inovação. Em seu tempo livre, ela tem, como uma mãe ocupada de 3, corre, bate algumas músicas no piano e gosta de estar com seus melhores amigos e familiares. Ela vem do norte da Itália. Ela tem 8 anos de experiência dos quais os últimos 3 passaram na Irlanda. Ela adora tecnologia e é isso que a levou aonde ela está hoje. Ela gosta de tocar música e perturba os vizinhos de tempos em tempos com seu violino e violão. Iniciou sua carreira na Ucrânia, onde ganhou experiência inicial em programação trabalhando remotamente para empresas canadenses e americanas. Ele acabou se juntando ao CurrencyFair em Dublin, tentando o melhor para aplicar suas habilidades. Ele está lutando para gostar do clima irlandês e ensinando os colegas a pronunciar corretamente seu sobrenome. Chefe de Operações Gavin bateu na porta da CurrencyFairs em 2015, trazendo consigo 20 anos de experiência em mercados financeiros globais e serviços financeiros. Ocupando diversos cargos desde negociação de derivativos e gestão alternativa de ativos até a construção e liderança de equipes operacionais, ele trabalhou para empresas como o Standard Chartered Bank e o BNP Paribas, além de instituições australianas e gerentes de investimentos. Suas verdadeiras paixões giram em torno das ondas do oceano e das montanhas nevadas. Profissionalmente, ele está animado para ser uma parte integrante da conquista da visão da CurrencyFairs. Gerente de marketing de desempenho espanhol, mas agora chama a Irlanda de casa (apesar de perder o sol, obviamente). Apaixonada por marketing, tecnologia e dados, ela ama um desafio e aprender algo novo a cada dia. Como um profissional de marketing digital experiente vindo da Web Summit, a Paloma tem como objetivo interromper a indústria com o CurrencyFair. Quando não está em sua mesa, ela provavelmente está destruindo alguém no tênis de mesa. Em seu tempo livre, ela é viciada em viagens, para qualquer aventura ou atividade esportiva. Quando não está ocupado pedindo desculpas em nome de seu país pela mão de Thierry Henry que custou à Irlanda sua classificação para a Copa do Mundo de 2010, ou perder no tênis de mesa, Max trabalha como cientista de dados em CurrencyFair (também conhecido por dados usando Python). A fim de encontrar uma nova visão para ajudar a empresa a tomar as melhores decisões. Tenho mais de 10 anos de experiência trabalhando em Serviços Financeiros em áreas como Atendimento ao Cliente e Serviços Comerciais. A recessão me levou à Austrália por quase quatro anos, onde trabalhei como analista de AML. Faltando todas as coisas irlandesas, voltei para casa com a esperança de trabalhar para uma empresa excitante e inovadora e me afastar do ambiente bancário ao qual eu estava acostumado. This brought me to CurrencyFair and I am excited to be apart of the AML team here. I love long chats about all things food related. This generally happens during meal times. 24/7 really Customer Activation - AML Having worked in Financial Services for large multi-nationals for the last 10 years I feel completely liberated making the break away from all that is Hedge Funds. I am so happy to be part of Currency Fairs AML team. My favorite things in life are brunch cocktails with family friends. My ultimate life goal is to work remotely whilst travelling the world. HR Business Partner Having spent ten years in the Retail industry, Emma joined the world of FinTech with an open mind. She is genuinely passionate about how the People Culture function can add value to a business. When not working, Emma is a busy lady Usually found out and about on the bike, at the gym, at the theatre, trying new restaurants, singing in her car, dancing in her kitchen, and making travel plans, amongst other things. Head of Marketing With over 13 Years experience in all things Digital CurrencyFair is Davins 4th tech start up. As well as starting and selling his own online venture, hes previously set up scaled two online businesses for Paddy Power. Born with a plastic spoon in his mouth, he is passionate about Fintech and is a preacher of simpler transparent financial services for all In his spare time, he is a struggling musician, tinkling the ivories for his supper Interim Head of People Culture Brian believes that happier employees means happier customers and helps executive teams provide greater value to all shareholders including employees - especially during periods of organisational change. Having built his career in the FTSE 50, Brian now provides interim consulting advise to senior teams on how to make organisations work better. Brian is happy to assist the career promotion prospects for any employee who will share great recipes. After serving her time in the banking industry in Scotland, ten years at Natwest Branch and three years in RBS Head Office she set sail for her time in Oz. After 3 years of some amazing travelling and gaining experience in the finance world of retail it was back to sunny Ireland. Outside of work Sharon likes to run, however her love of socialising sometimes impedes this Before joining CurrencyFair as a Data Analyst Eadan studied Mathematics in UCC. At the moment his main interests lie in machine learning and he loves playing with data in R and Python. If you see Greek symbols written on one of the office whiteboards he was likely nearby A native of Dublin, Alan has worked in finance roles across a range of industries over the last ten years, including financial services, tech, and online gaming. He jumped at the opportunity to work with an ambitious and difference making company like CurrencyFair. Father to a teenage daughter, he seeks sanctuary in cycling and is thoroughly looking forward to embracing his MAMIL years (Middle Aged Men In Lycra, for those not in the know). Customer Services Executive Ed has worked in the financial services industry for over six years, working in several different roles, from project administrator to complaint specialist for the UKs biggest payday lenders. He is a big football fan and has a passion for music and cars. Amanda left Donegal 6 years ago to move to Dublin and has been working in financial services ever since. She previously worked with BOIs financial crime unit before I got the opportunity to join CurrencyFair. Amanda is so happy to have joined the AML team. When she is not working she loves all things sports related and nights out and you will more than likely find her in Donegal at the weekends Dublin born and have recently returned from Western Canada where she lived for a number of years. Strong event management, executive assistant and office management experience across a variety of interesting and challenging industries. She loves to travel and enjoy being out and about with family, friends and meeting new people. shes hands on and approachable. Always up for a laugh. Shes happiest when eating or even thinking about food. Chocolate is her friend. Talent Acquisition Lead Michael has a passion for recruitment. His background is in IT Recruitment and he has a BSc (Hons) in Computer Applications. Michael is responsible for securing the best talent for CurrencyFair. Having previously worked for Next Generation Recruitment, he is now focused on recruiting for CurrencyFair here and abroad. Michael is a boxer and a former chess champion. He loves football, travelling, gaming, chess, playing cards and of course a cold pint of Orchards Thieves cider. Customer Services Executive Carl started at JP Morgan and moved to London to work in the City. After ten years, he wanted to move home for the right opportunity, to work with passionate people (found at CurrencyFair) and preferably at the start of Leinsters rugby season. Carl is delighted to be within walking distance of the RDS, spending quality time with family, friends and secretly watching Gardeners World to get his Jobs for the Weekend from Monty Don Join one of Irelands fastest growing companies Join an ambitious team with a big mission We are building a game changing company and we are hiring people who understand the sheer scale of what we have set out to do. Our Investors Our investors, that also believe in creating a world of fair financial services. CurrencyFair Ltd is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. A CurrencyFair Ltd é uma Representante Corporativa Autorizada (No.419450) da CurrencyFair Australia Pty Ltd, regulamentada na Austrália pela ASIC (Licença AFS No. 402709). Os dados nos sites da CurrencyFair (incluindo dados de preços) são protegidos por direitos de banco de dados. Todos os direitos reservados Escritório Registrado: Colm House, 91 Pembroke Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Irlanda. CurrencyFair Ltd CRO: 469391 (Incorporada na Irlanda) As informações contidas em nosso site são de natureza geral. A CurrencyFair não levou em conta seus objetivos, situação financeira ou necessidades. Before acting on this general advice you should therefore consider the appropriateness of the advice having regard to your situation. Recomendamos que você obtenha aconselhamento financeiro, jurídico e tributário independente antes de tomar qualquer decisão de investimento financeiro. Residentes Australianos - Por favor, considere nossa Declaração de Divulgação de Produto antes de tomar qualquer decisão financeira. Cópia do copyright 2010 ndash 2016 CurrencyFair LTD. All rights reserved. Markets Live: ASX back and in the black Strength in the miners and banks outweighed a hefty plunge in TPG, as trade returned to the ASX after Mondays glitches, with investors wary ahead of monetary policy reviews from the Bank of Japan and the Federal Reserve. The RBA remains relaxed about rising house prices, saying conditions have eased This comes as the ABS reports house prices rose 2.0 per cent in the second quarter TPG shares dive after the telco issued earnings guidance below market expectations Treasurer Scott Morrison confirms that ASIC is investigating the ASXs outage yesterday Thats it for Markets Live for today. Thanks for reading and for your comments. See you all again tomorrow morning from 9am. Shares manage to scrape out some meagre gains after a late rally erased some modest losses, with a massive plunge in TPG the big news as investors otherwise remained cautious ahead of big announcements from the Japanese and US central banks. The Aussie dollar was steady through the session despite the release of RBA meeting minutes, and last fetched 75.4 US cents. The good news was that trading seemed to be carried out without a hitch, after the exchange spent most of Monday paralysed by technical problems . The ASX 200 ended the day up 9 points to 5304. Late gains in the big banks look to have driven the late climb, as ANZ, CBA, NAB and Westpac erased losses to close between 0.2 and 0.6 per cent up. BHP shares also gathered steam in the arvo to end 2.5 per cent up, and Rio 1.5 per cent higher. Fortescue added 1.4 per cent. Energy shares fell, with Woodside off 1.3 per cent. A disappointing earnings guidance from TPG sank the shares by more than 20 per cent, and that reverberated across the sector. Telstra dropped 1.5 per cent and Vocus 3.6 per cent. Shares in telecom provider TPG crashed today after the companys solid profit result was accompanied by underwhelming earnings guidance. The sharp minds at Forager Funds were quick to point out this is the fate of expensive companies which disappoint lofty expectations : Lots of TPG-like stocks on the ASX at the moment. Priced for perfection. Its a long way down when perfection doesnt arrive TPM So watch out. Bu t which names look vulnerable we asked Forager had an answer to that as well: Vocus, Blackmores . Dominos Pizza . Netcomm Wireless, REA Group . Seek . and Corporate Travel Mgt. Heres an extract from a nice interview with Societe Generales perma-bear, Albert Edwards, who in his ice age thesis pretty much called the next two decades of bond outperformance (you can read the full article here) : Edwards reserves his scorn for central bankers . whom he blames for the precarious state of the economy and the markets. A big chunk of the bonds being offered in Europe and Japan are yielding less than zero as policy makers struggle to keep their economies on life support. Central banks can never prevent a recession, Edwards told MarketWatch. They can just delay it. The longer central banks interfere, the worse the crash . In the US, the Fed has pumped trillions into the markets via quantitative easing to stimulate the economy in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis. But that has only served to create another massive credit bubble this time in the corporate sector. Total corporate debt ballooned to US5.7 trillion in the first quarter of this year from US3.5 trillion in late 2008 when the Fed launched QE, St. Louis Fed data show. As liabilities swell, Edwards says, investors will grow increasingly complacent that authorities will kick the can down the road that is, until the Feds excesses come back to haunt them and the whole system implodes. The US is one recession away from deflation , said Edwards. There is a grotesque amount of debt piled on the corporate sector, and when the chickens come home to roost, there will be massive bankruptcies . Edwards believes the chaos and subsequent collapse in asset prices will force policy makers to adopt negative interest rates in the US and deploy helicopter money . pushing the Fed-funds rate the rate at which banks lend to each other to minus 3 per cent . It is currently at 0.40. His predictions can appear counterintuitive at a time when US stocks have recently scaled record highs and the Fed prepares to raise interest rates. But those indicators of relative economic health are a mirage, he believes. Will disillusion with Bank of Japan chief Haruhiko Kurodas efforts at monetary stimulus unleash a fresh and jarring wave of selling across global financial markets the AFRs Karen Maley asks: As BoJ policymakers begin their two-day meeting today, investors are nervously aware that Kuroda is playing an increasingly high-stakes game with markets. Since taking the top job at the Japanese central bank in March 2013, Kuroda has been experimenting with increasingly radical policies including a massive bond-buying program in an attempt to shock the country out of its deflationary mindset. But Japans economy remains fragile, and inflation is waning. Analysts warn that Kurodas credibility was badly dented by his shock decision to adopt negative interest rates in January. Although the decision worked as intended in terms of dragging down Japanese bond yields, it backfired spectacularly in its intended effect on the yen . because the Japanese currency soared instead of weakening. Even worse, Kurodas decision was seen as smacking of desperation . and this only fuelled market suspicion that central bankers are running out of ammunition to bolster economic growth. Global share markets have suffered sharp slides this year as investors have periodically fallen prey to doubts about the effectiveness of the unorthodox monetary policies that the worlds major central banks are pursuing. This means that investors around the world are keeping a close eye on what new monetary manoeuvres the BoJ attempts this week. The most obvious would be to push a key interest rate deeper into negative territory, but analysts are deeply divided as to whether the BoJ will run this path. Some argue that Kuroda will be forced to stand pat on interest rates, because of complaints from Japanese banks and even the Japanese government. Whats more, they note, Kuroda himself has conceded that negative rates are hitting the profits of Japanese banks. As a result, these analysts believe it more likely that the BoJ will try to help Japanese banks by tweaking its huge bond-buying program buying fewer long-term Japanese government bonds and instead increasing their purchases of short - and medium-term in an attempt to steepen the yield curve. (A steeper yield curve benefits banks as they typically borrow at short-term rates, while their lending rates reflect longer-term rates). Movement at the central bank: The RBA has promoted Michele Bullock to assistant governor in charge of financial system stability following Malcolm Edeys decision to retire after almost 40 years at the central bank. The move is part of a broader reshuffle, with assistant governor in charge of economic forecasting, Christopher Kent, moving to head up the financial markets unit . replacing Guy Debelle who has become deputy governor this week. Dr Edey will retire at the end of October, the Reserve Bank said in a statement. Governor Philip Lowe commended Dr Edey on his long service at the bank, saying he epitomises what it means to be a dedicated public servant . He has provided wise counsel to the Reserve Banks two boards over many years. He is respected internationally and domestically for his extensive knowledge in a broad range of economic fields and for his tireless work as one of Australias representatives on the Basel Committee. He will be sorely missed by bank staff and his peers in the financial community. I wish him and his family every success and happiness in the next phase of their lives. The reshuffle means the Reserve Bank will now a dvertise and select replacements for Dr Kent and that of assistant governor of business services, which is Ms Bullocks current job. Dr Kent will remain in his current post until a successor is appointed, and Chris Ryan . head of the international department, will be acting assistant governor of financial markets for the time being. Ms Bullocks elevation will include her taking up the deputy chair of the Payments System Board, succeeding Dr Edey. She will begin in November. The RBAs Michele Bullock has been promoted to assistant governor in charge of financial system stability. Photo: Louise Kennerley Theres uncommon dissent in the ranks of the Federal Reserves primary dealers over the central banks interest-rate decision this week. Two of the Feds 23 preferred bond-trading partners -- Barclays and BNP Paribas -- are betting against their peers and the bond market by forecasting officials will raise rates early Thursday morning . Its the first time more than one dealer has gone against the consensus during the week of a policy meeting since last September, data compiled by Bloomberg show. Economists at both banks say traders have too steeply discounted officials intent to hike after the Fed has remained on hold for longer than expected. There is no perfect time - there will always be some uncertainties in the data, said Laura Rosner, senior US economist in New York at BNP. Despite a multitude of shocks through the last nine months, which have delayed the Fed, hiring has continued to be robust. There is a window of opportunity for the Fed to continue normalising, and we think itll take it. The bond market and Fed are locked in a battle of wills over the direction of interest rates more than seven years after the end of the recession. The central banks credibility is at stake after policy makers began the year projecting four rate increases, after liftoff from near zero in December, yet remained on hold time and again because of economic circumstances in the US and abroad. Even last month, Fed Chair Janet Yellen and Vice Chairman Stanley Fischer hinted that the bank could still raise rates twice this year. Futures traders are pricing in just a 20 per cent likelihood the Fed will lift its policy rate by 0.25 percentage point at this weeks meeting. Economists at Barclays and BNP Paribas are swimming against the tide with their US rate hike calls. Photo: geograph. org. uk The ASX 200 continues to wallow after its modest early falls, as a plunge in TPG and softness in the big banks overwhelms support for the miners. The Aussie dollar is flat at 75.4 US cents and was unmoved by the release of the RBAs minutes from its most recent meeting. Oil has eased a little, and brent crude is fetching US45.82 a barrel. The benchmark index is off 9 points to 5289, with no signs of yesterdays technical glitch that interrupted trade so badly. Investors are likely awaiting updates from the Bank of Japan and US Fed arriving in the coming 48 hours. Japans Topix sharemarket index is up 0.8 per cent and the yen is quiescent. TPG is now off 20 per cent after disappointing the market with its earnings guidance and despite reporting some strong profit growth figures. Lots of TPG-like stocks on the ASX at the moment. Priced for perfection. Its a long way down when perfection doesnt arrive TPM Telstra continues to drag as well, with the shares 1.1 per cent down. The big four banks are all off by between 0.1 and 0.3 per cent, as is Macquarie . The miners are helping support the market, as BHP adds 2 per cent, Rio 1.1 per cent, and Fortescue 0.9 per cent. South32 has added 0.4 per cent - the stock has more than doubled this year. NextDC is the best performer of the day, up 7.5 per cent, but with no obvious catalyst. This from Societe Generale forex strategist Kit Juckes: Money is safer in cash than bonds central banks have lost their mojo and is the bond bubble bursting These are the sort of things you can read about in the morning paper and if I count down the ups and downs in the 10-year bond yield in the 32 years since Ive been messing about in markets, I find this is the tenth opportunity to declare the rally over In 1 986 . rates had just fallen by almost 6 per cent, oil from 30 to 9/bbl and when both started to go up, it was a one-way street. 1994 is the stuff of legend . The 1999 turn higher was a reaction to an economy that accelerated after the fed cut rates in response to the LTCM collapse, and the bubbles they started was in dotcom not bonds. 2003 was a monetary policy bubble and I still cant figure out how the Fed talked itself into 1 per cent rates. Today Not a bubble, but an important point in market history all the same. Central banks are fearful of the effects of protracted periods of negative rates . and aware (notably the BOJ ) of the dangers of yield curves that are low and flat at the same time. Investors are learning that at these yields, more bonds fail to pay back principle. And at a much more mundane level, a market that prices a 1 per cent fed Funds rate in 2 years time is looking for a world when neutral real rates arent even at zero . No bubble, but reasons for the sell-off to persist . And as I wrote yesterday, currency (and most markets) take their cue from the bond market. The residual question is how treasury yields perform now that Mondays 10-yr and yesterdays bond auction are behind us. Do dip-buyers appear Too many longs to think so, yet. Almost two-thirds of Australias large-cap funds fail to hit or exceed the benchmark for returns . stoking the active versus passive debate and intensifying the pressure to justify their management fees. About a third of actively managed large-cap Australian share funds did as well as or outperformed the SampP/ASX 200 Accumulation Index in the five years to August 31, according to Morningstar research. Of the 450 to 500 funds tracked, 36.25 per cent met or outperformed the index over one year, and the figure remained steady over three years and five years, at 37.16 per cent and 35.9 per cent, respectively. I think fund performance has probably gone in cycles and quite often the whole active versus passive debate often gets sparked by a period when things have been worse for active management than normal, State Street Global Advisors Asia Pacific head of quantitative equity Olivia Engel said. But the performance of local managers is well above their US-based counterparts . with a report last week finding just 9.5 per cent of actively managed large-cap equity funds beat the SampP 500 Index over the five years to August 31, the worst five-year performance since 1999. Engel said it was harder to outperform in the US market because it was more efficient than Australia . with a greater flow of information, analyst coverage and earnings forecasts improving the accuracy of stock picking. Back to top A few economist reactions to the RBA minutes . with most agreeing the central bank is in no rush to cut rates again. Despite some pickup in house prices more recently, the minutes continued to suggest a degree of comfort at the broad aggregate level. They highlight a general moderation in house price growth over the last year, a decline in turnover, and lower housing lending growth (as macro pru measures exert some influence). At this juncture, we think that the case to cut again before the end of the year is not particularly compelling . There is a growing perception that the need for additional interest rate stimulus is declining and the RBAs reluctance to provide additional stimulus is increasing. Certainly market pricing has shifted. The RBA sees the Australian economy running around potential so progress in winding back unemployment will be slow. That mix means wage and price pressures should remain low for some time. For those who like to parse the RBAs commentary, the positive flow outweighs the negative by a comfortable margin. The RBA may have overestimated household consumption growth . The view was that growth in household consumption was expected to have remained around average in the June quarter. But the Q2 GDP data showed that household consumption growth had halved. The minutes also said that liaison contacts reported that employers had been more cautious in their hiring decisions . a remark that suggests the shock August employment data may not have been a one off event. Hence, we still hold the view that the RBA will need to cut again before the cycle in complete, with November being the next live meeting . Overall, the RBA appears content with its current policy stance . as economic growth remains close to potential. The RBA noted that growth in major trading partners was subdued, and that global monetary conditions were very accommodative. Despite the emphasis on inflation remaining low for some time, the RBA believes that, with the easing delivered in May and August, policy conditions were still consistent with achieving its inflation target over time, amid sustainable growth conditions. We think todays minutes continue to indicate that the RBA is in a data-dependent mode after cutting rates twice this year. We believe the bank is monitoring data for further cues, but that its easing bias is likely to persist. The minutes of the RBAs September meeting support other evidence suggesting that the Bank is in no rush to cut interest rates again . although the strong defence of its view that the housing market has softened implies that housing is not a barrier to further cuts. So if the inflation outlook weakened again, the housing market probably wouldnt stop the RBA cutting interest rates to 1.0 per cent. Following todays minutes we retain our view for the RBA to be on hold for the remainder of 2016 . notwithstanding any unexpected deterioration in cyclical activity data. With 50bp of easing implemented so far this year in response to a shift lower in the inflation trajectory, the RBA has earned the right to sit back and watch for a while. From here, the key uncertainty for the RBA is likely to be the persistence of low inflation. Our bias remains to think that the RBA will deliver a further 50bp of easing in 1H17 . taking the cash rate to 1 per cent. It looks like one of them has to be wrong . As Australian dollar bears bash the currency towards a record low of parity against its New Zealand counterpart, swaps traders are betting the interest-rate premium for the kiwi over the Aussie will shrink. The Reserve Bank of New Zealand is seen as likely to cut its cash rate more aggressively than the RBA in money markets that are pricing in a 40 basis point premium in the next six months, down from 50 now. At the start of this year, traders had seen the gap expanding to 72 basis points within 12 months. Yet, the Aussie has fallen more than 3 per cent this year, prompting Nomura to predict a reversal. There appears to be an unusual divergence between Australian and New Zealand short-end interest rates and the Aussie-kiwi cross, said Andrew Ticehurst, a strategist at Nomura. We believ e the currency cross is too low . and this is one of our preferred foreign-exchange trade ideas over the balance of the year. Nomura is advising clients to buy the Aussie versus the kiwi. The two currencies have never converged since they were freely floated in the mid-1980s. They came close in April last year when the Aussie fell below NZ1.01, only for the Australian dollar to rebound to a nearly 20-month high by June 2015. The kiwi is flirting with parity once again - touching a more than one-year peak of NZ1.0238 per Aussie last Wednesday amid rising dairy prices, surging immigration and stronger economic data. The Aussie is currently fetching NZ1.0323. Rio Tinto is becoming more optimistic on the outlook for commodities demand in China after recent data pointed to a pickup in the construction market. The drop that we had experienced for the last two or three years in China seems to have plateaued , chief executive Jean-Sebastien Jacques said in an interview with Bloomberg Television on Monday. We are becoming much more what I would describe as cautiously optimistic in relation to China. Ivan Glasenberg, who heads rival Glencore, last month said the Chinese market looks pretty good in the long term. Jacques, who took over the CEO role in July, also attributed his more buoyant outlook on China to meetings with government officials, suppliers and customers in the country two weeks ago. Chinese home prices rose the most in more than six years last month, official data showed yesterday. Chinese figures on factory output, investment and retail sales all exceeded analyst estimates in August amid a boost from the property market. We can see an inflection point and we are going to make the most of it, Jacques said. Commodity prices will still remain volatile in the short term as Chinese demand is curbed by seasonal effects, he said, adding that he sees higher prices in the medium-to-longer term. It will vary from one commodity to the other, he said. We believe that copper will be the first one to come out of this twilight zone. Copper has risen just 1.5 per cent this year, lagging bigger gains made by other commodities such as iron ore, zinc, nickel and coal. Have you noticed strawberries are very cheap at the moment Punnets were selling for as low 80 cents in Coles supermarkets on Sunday, which is excellent news for fruit lovers, but n ot so great for farmers . While some farmers blame a strawberry glut in Queensland and Western Australia . others say the b ig supermarkets are forcing prices down to unsustainable levels. Coles and Woolies and IGA control the market, strawberry grower Lillian McMartin said from Queenslands Sunshine Coast. They have ridiculous prices which are below our cost of production . Ms McMartin, who has been running McMartins Farms for 30 years, said it cost her about 1.40 to produce a punnet . If Coles and Woolies are selling them for 90 cents, you can see farmers will lose money , she said. The last three years its been bad. Its getting worse. Ms McMartin said supermarkets bought direct from large scale distributors, who sold at lower prices, rather than off the market floor. The prices were so low we had to stop picking early, she said. Ms McMartin also blamed an overproduction of strawberries Australia wide and overseas sellers flooding the market for the current glut. President of peak industry body Strawberries Australia, Sam Violi, said the cheap prices this year were unusual . Ive seen it down to 1 or 99 cents, he said. Mr Violi said the Victorian season was due to start in October, with farmers hoping the price would rise beforehand. As growers pull out there will be less supply in the market and the price will start to improve, he said. From what Ive seen around, the strawberries are looking very promising . Coles Fresh Produce general manager Brad Gorman said the low price of strawberries coincided with peak seasonal conditions for the fruit in Queensland. We have a large number of direct relationships with strawberry growers across Australia and it is important to us that we pay prices that ensure their businesses can continue to grow and be sustainable, he said. The Reserve Bank is not fazed by rising housing prices or by the high auction clearance rates reported recently. Its unlikely to lower interest rates again soon, but thats not because its worried about over-inflating the housing market. Average prices for homes on the mainland state capitals have rocketed ahead by 8 per cent in the past year, while clearance rates are at 15-month highs. According to the latest ABS figures, prices rose 2 per cent over the second quarter for an annual rate of 4.1 per cent. But the minutes of the RBAs latest monetary policy meeting show that the central bank is looking below the surface of the numbers. Conditions in established housing markets had generally eased over 2016, the RBA said in the minutes of its boards September 6 meeting. Not only has the growth rate slowed, but rental vacancy rates have risen to around their long-run average. Other indicators for the housing market had also pointed to weaker conditions than a year earlier, the RBA said. Those indicators included a fall in the volume of auctions as well as a drop in the number of transactions in the private treaty market, where four-fifths of sales are made, and an upward drift in the time taken to conclude them. This is all before a looming wave of supply of new homes crashes through the market. Members noted that there continued to be a considerable volume of apartments scheduled to be completed over the next couple of years, particularly in the eastern states, the RBA minutes said. The significance of all this for the RBA is that the housing market, despite the superficial signs of strength, would not stand in the way if the central bank saw the need for another economy-boosting interest rate cut. Theres been a lot of talk of more of the big banks having to follow ANZs lead and cut their dividends as profit growth slows, but Deutsche reckons payouts will remain elevated for all of the big four. Although profit growth prospects for the sector look muted due to tougher capital requirements and rising bad debts, the banks analysts say the sector can support relatively high payout ratios, albeit with little growth in dividends-per-share. The analyst note the elevated payout ratios for NAB and Westpac in particular, at around 80 per cent. While NABs payout ratio is the least sustainable . we expect NAB to employ a discounted dividend reinvestment plan (DRP) over coming years which should help boost participation rates and capital build, they say in a research note. Their top stock picks in the sector are Westpac and NAB. While positive catalysts appear lacking, the sector continues to trade on inexpensive multiples relative to Industrials , they say. Last year Macquarie Group was a market darling . soaring nearly 50 per cent, but this year the stock is struggling, down 1 per cent since the start of 2016. Are we at the end of Macquaries earnings upgrade cycle Thats the question from Credit Suisse analysts, leading into Macquaries first-half profit result next month. Their answer is no . although it seems to be getting tougher for Australias home-grown investment bank. The multi-year earnings upgrade cycle appears to be now quite mature, but MQG also offers reasonably attractive value amp yield and modestly expanding return on equity, the analysts said, sticking with their outperform rating of the stock and a price target of 81.23. Credit Suisse said Macquaries earnings were historically skewed towards the second half of the financial year, as the oil and gas business felt the impact of the northern hemisphere winter and principal investment gains to be recognised in the second half. The comments come after Macquarie said yesterday its upcoming interim profits were in line with its most recent results. Morgan Stanley on the other hand reckons that consensus upgrades are required to support the share price and is sticking with its equal-hold (neutral) rating but has lifted its price target by 9 per cent to 74.00. Shares are flat this morning at 81.25. Higher losses didnt prevent miner New Hope Corp from hiking the payout to the chief executive as much of the surge in the coal price of the past few months by-passed the company. The chief executive, Shane Stephan . received 1.4 million in annual remuneration for the year to July up from 1.3 million a year earlier, his second year running the company. In the latest financial year the companys net loss ballooned to 53.4 million from 21.8 million, largely due to acquisition costs and asset impairment charges. New Hope last year spent 865 million to buy a 40 per cent stake in the Bengalla coal mine in the Hunter Valley . a steaming coal exporter, backing its optimistic view of the outlook for offshore demand. The company reckons there will be strong demand for its coal in Asia . to fuel ongoing strong growth of their economies. New Hopes mines in Queensland and NSW produce steaming coal . which is mostly used to generate electricity, rather than coking coal, which is used to produce steel and which has enjoyed steep price rises in recent weeks, thanks to supply disruptions and a quick uplift in demand in north Asia as coal users rebuild stocks. The price of good quality steaming coal exported through Newcastle is fetching around US70 a tonne, which is significantly less than the price of around US190 a tonne for good quality Queensland coking coal, according to recent data from McCloskeys. New Hope said the steaming coal price has risen 40 per cent from the recent lows, although that hasnt been enough to pull its share price out of the doldrums. Its share price has largely marked time this year unlike another miner, Whitehaven Coal . whose shares have risen five-fold to around 2.50 thanks to its production of coking coal. New Hope shares are a further 3.9 per cent lower at 1.50. The recent recovery in coal prices is starting to impact results , Mr Stephan said. The majority of our coal contracts have prices which are index linked and therefore increases in spot prices do start to flow through to the financial results within months . The decision of the Chinese government to reduce coal production is the sole reason for the price rise, he said. EBITDA fell to 81.3 million from 132.8 million. The final dividend was cut to 2c from 2.5c, taking the annual dividend to 4c from 6.5c as the loss per share rose to 6.5c from 2.6c. TPG Telecom shares have plunged in morning trade after the David Teoh-run company issued earnings guidance below market expectations and increased costs for the coming financial year. As we briefly noted below, TPGs profit surged thanks to the addition of iiNets revenue to the companys portfolio. But thats obviously not what has caught investors attention, who have sent the stock down 17 per cent to 9.86. The telecommunications provider has forecast underlying EBITDA to come in between 820 million and 830 million for 2016-17. That came in well below the Bloomberg consensus forecast for EBITDA of 884 million. TPG also flagged that capital expenditure will increase to between 370 million and 420 million, up from 281 million in 2015-16. TPG said that capital expenditure guidance included 72 million for 1800 MHx spectrum, 50 million for international capacity purchases and a ramp-up in the rollout of its fibre network . which is targeting a total of 500,000 homes. Want better economic growth Get better business execs, writes SMH economics editor Ross Gittins: Sometimes Im tempted by the thought that a major economic reform would be for the Business Council of Australia to disband . so the nations big business chiefs had to spend more time doing their knitting. For them to spend less time attending committee meetings to decide what the government should be doing to make life easier for them and their business, and more time working on ways to improve their companys performance . It always surprises me that economist upholders of free markets and business defenders of private enterprise so easily fall into the view that the fate of our largely private-sector economy rests on the actions of politicians . Econocrats are susceptible to that misconception because their models assumption that business decisions are always rational leads them to conclude any inadequacy in businesses performance must arise from perverse incentives created by misguided government intervention. For their part, its almost unknown for business leaders to explain their companys poor performance as anything other than someone elses fault . The failures of our hopeless government any government have long been the favourite excuse of less-than-successful chief executives. An entire career in the private sector has inoculated me against any delusion that businesses are always rational and never perform at less that their best. One common human failing you wont find in any economics textbook is managers tendency to be so busy fixing problems they find easy to fix that they have no time to grapple with more important problems theyre not sure how to fix. We worry about the era of low productivity and low growth our economy and every other advanced economy seems caught in, and its true there are reforms governments could make that would improve our performance though theyre not the reforms highest on the business councils list. But the deeper truth remains that the nations productivity is fundamentally determined by the performances of its many businesses. And if our business leaders took it into their heads to lift their companies performance, the nations productivity improvement and growth would be faster. If you dont believe that, you must be a socialist . New Commonwealth Bank chairman Catherine Livingstone is not expected to back down on soft targets but will have to do a better job explaining them to shareholders. Photo: Peter Rae Back to top Current page Live Article Posts 1Our philosophy Were not here to add more to life, were just joining up some of the dots. CurrencyFair began as the answer to a common problem expats looking for a cheap, simple way to move money to and from their new home countries. The easiest way to achieve this was swapping with friends who had the corresponding need. This simple idea worked well, so the natural evolution was a service that would make this option available to everyone. Meet the team These are the people who make CurrencyFair happen CEO amp Co-Founder Brett is an Aussie expat living in Ireland, with a background in programming and finance. In fact, its almost as though CurrencyFair was his destiny Brett likes solving problems, and finding better ways to do things. He hates misleading advertising, and will try to expose it when he sees it, particularly in the area of foreign exchange. Director amp Co-Founder At the wrong side of 30 and living in Ireland for nearly 10yrs I finally resigned myself to the fact I would not be playing rugby for the Australian Wallabies. As one door closed another opened and I became a co-founder of CurrencyFair. With over 10yrs experience in banking, I am fortunate enough to have returned home and I now head up the Australian operations from Newcastle Australia. Customer Service Executive Born and bred in Dublin, recently returned from living in New Zealand. I have previously worked in the digital marketing industry and have been a part of many projects including the launch of daily deal websites, online reputation management through to implementing cross platform Single sign-on. I love to travel, and try to go on an adventure any chance I can get I have made it my life goal to keep ticking things off the bucket list, most amazing thing Ive ever done was swim with dusky dolphins in the Pacific Ocean I love going to the gym, cooking, watching movies and football I am excited to continue to learn and grow at CurrencyFair Eoghan came to CurrencyFair after 4 years in world of banking, where after seeing the banks latest yearly profits he decided it was time to go and work for the good guys. He loves anything related to Operations and is hoping to use his background to make our customer experience even better. When not in work, you can find on the beach at home in Skerries. Or searching out the best coffee in Dublin (Ask and hell tell you). A Swedish Londoner with a passion for exciting and relevant marketing and communication. Having worked at Unibet before joining CurrencyFair he has a history of challenging big stagnant businesses that overcharge their customers. Nils is leading the marketing department in CurrencyFair and is trying to build the best Fintech brand in the world. Having worked in Australia, Asia and Europe, Ben has experienced more than his fair share of currency rip-offs over the years. This makes him angry, and you wouldnt like Angry Ben As a former HR consultant and editor of a HR website, Ben looks after all things HR and content marketing. Ben is an avid, one-eyed, obsessive, dyed-in-the-wool fan of Manchester United, Roma, AC Milan, Barcelona, Real Madrid, and Perth Glory. Head of Compliance Fintan joined CurrencyFair in September of 2015 having spent the previous four years in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in various senior compliance roles with Arab National Bank (ANB) and its subsidiary company ANB Invest. Fintan has served as Director of the Association of Compliance Officers in Ireland (ACOI). Before his days in cross-border financial services he worked in Lombard Ulster and started his career with Irish Permanent. While working in branches he was in eighteen armed raids. Fintan is a frequent speaker at conferences in Ireland, the UK, Europe and Africa on topics ranging from Anti-Money Laundering to Risk Corporate Governance. Risk and Compliance Administrator Having previously worked as an economics teaching assistant in DCU amp 2 years as a private clients administrator in the philanthropic world of the stockbroking industry, I am now a valiant recruit of the AML team in CurrencyFair. After an admirable day of crime fighting, I enjoy emulating the performances of Cristiano Ronaldo in 5 a side football and replicating the culinary skills of Jamie Oliver in the kitchen, both tending to result in injury. Mauro works as a Software Engineer and wannabe pool player. He has been working in IT for four years, from the big company to working in a start-up here in Dublin. He loves technology, music, good food (cooking but mostly eating) and AC Milan. the most successful team in the world :-). Customer Service (Australia) Kiera has spent the last 2.5 years working for Westpac in the customer service division. She brings a passion for 5 star customer service and business improvement, with a further 5 years experience in retail and administration. When Kiera doesnt have her nose to the grind stone, she likes to attend concerts, the gym and spend all her spare money on wedding magazines planning her upcoming wedding. Anti Money Laundering Manager Lorraine brings 15 years of management experience in the finance sector to CurrencyFair and has responsibility for all things AML. Having worked in the corporate world for her entire career she is really enjoying the go get it attitude and innovative spirit of the CurrencyFair office. When not using her crime fighting superpowers in the office she is kept on her toes by her two young children. In her limited spare time Lorraine loves to cook for her friends and family, attempts to grow organic veg and avidly follows all house related TV programmes as she is currently building her own home. Kasia came to Ireland from Poland as Erasmus student with a degree in Electrical Engineering. After a year in Athlone IT she joined the graduate development programme at Maxim Integrated in Dublin. After a year and a half she left to join the master program at DIT in applied software technology and subsequently joined Ericsson as software engineer. Later on she decided to relocate to Dublin where she had a brief stay at Paddy Power to later on experience the startup world joining CurrencyFair. Customer Activation (Australia) Leo is another member of the team at CurrencyFair who had previously spent his best years working in banking for Barclays in London. Having seen the light he has moved with his young family to relocate from the UK to Australia and is now assisting on AML matters with the office down under. In his spare time (when his son affords him some) amongst many interests he likes sports and travel. YNWA Dans a Senior Engineer, working mainly on our PHP, database and Amazon AWS backed systems. Coming from a background in successful international companies such as Hostelworld and dotMobi, he found his calling working for startups, spending a number of years helping bring a science based data analysis company up to speed amp getting it ready to sell on. His love of technology is surpassed only by his love of dogs, and, like Shane, believes that cats cannot be trusted. After spending 13yrs in the Banking Sector, Colin likens his escape to Andy Dufrense in Shawshank Redemption Coming out clean on the otherside. He has joined the CurrencyFair AML team, where he believes he is fighting crime for the good guys. When he is not crime fighting you will more than likely find Colin playing football or watching the 1982 All-Ireland final or as he calls it Offalys greatest day. After a 6 year stint in the corporate world with KPMG and AIB David realized it was definitely time for a change and joined the payments and recs team here in CurrencyFair. Davids passions in life are food, tv, football and payments He loves playing, watching and talking football especially anything Arsenal. David is also currently on the look out for Dublins best sandwich Transaction Monitoring Team Lead Ewa worked in AML Department in Citi alongside Aisling. She enjoyed this so much that when Aisling left to work in CurrencyFair she decided to follow her and they have joined their forces again Ewa is originally from Poland but Ireland is her second home. Back in Poland she worked as a teacher which excelled her attention to detail. 8 years ago when she first came to Ireland she worked as barmaid in Ranelagh Village getting to know various Irish accents and how to pour a perfect pint of Guinness. Ewa has been working in banking for over 4 years and now she is back in Ranelagh keeping a close eye on AML documents. Oran is a Senior Engineer focussing on core Java components. He has worked in a number of fields across mobile payments, network integration, gaming, B2B message interchange and protocol development. He brews his own beer and likes to take to the sea in nothing more than a skinny piece of plastic, though not at the same time. Geoff joined the Client Services team after three years with a US multinational. In a previous life he worked as a journalist, where his natural nosiness was rewarded and not frowned upon. Believing himself a good pool player he challenged everyone in CurrencyFair to a game. This hasnt turned out well as he is currently without a win. His other hobbies are swimming in the Irish Sea (when hes feeling brave) and playing tennis. Nicola joined the CurrencyFair team as a Settlements and Reconciliations Officer. For her sins, she had previously worked in the banking sector for nearly 10 years Nicola had a keen interest in Camogie during her younger years but after two broken arms, happily resigned herself to the side lines. However a newfound love of pool in CurrencyFair may bring out her competitive side. Originally from Cork but a stones throw from the butter museum, Shane spent a large period of his early life in national service working as a bartender. After a short spell in France, he arrived in Dublin in 2004 to spend a few months with family and 10 years on, still hasnt been able to escape. During the 10 years, Shane has worked numerous companies in the area of payments, training for his move to CurrencyFair. Shane dislikes cats. Ivan has led many projects that have shaped the visual direction and user experience of CurrencyFair and on his previous company Hostelworld (Mobile Site and Apps), which have won awards too. He is a photography aficionado (having worked as a photojournalist for an Argentinean newspaper), an avid mountain biker and enjoys a good rugby match. Pawel leads the Operations team and is responsible for anything to do with cash side of things here at CurrencyFair: hedging, treasury deposits, payments. you name it Pawel is a founding employee, having joined before we even launched His background is structure finance including infamous CDOs and ABSs. He was part of JP Morgan and Bank of New York structure finance teams. Stella was born and raised in the West, near the worlds smallest city. Following a period working in the world of Architecture, she went under the laser for a Digital Media makeover, emerging with a passion for creating meaningful user experiences in the digital landscape. She likes taking pictures, getting things to work, the dance floor and her big bicycle. Stella has come to Currency Fair to make our online products enjoyable and easier to use, saving our customers not just money, but time and effort when exchanging currency online. Payments Reconciliation Officer Having worked in banking and finance for many years, Sallyann came to CurrencyFair to join the Operations team. With a keen interest in Marketing, Sallyann studies on the side a degree in Marketing with Digital Media, and recently completed a diploma in Marketing, Sales, Advertising and PR. She also worked as a care assistant for a short time before going on to study nursing. Sallyann loves to travel ( to escape the Irish weather) and loves eating out. She loves dogs, every cat she owned ran away, and when she was a child the family had a pet donkey named Bigears Kamil is a Software Engineer working mostly with PHP Javascript but hes not afraid of Java. He recently moved to Ireland from Poland where he worked as a Web Developer for last few years. He has also worked in IT, Sales and Electronics industry. Outside of work, he enjoys playing the piano and as he previously studied Electronics, he loves to build electronic devices and robots. Suresh is a recent graduate and was funded by the EU commission for research in the area of Cloud Computing. After spending few months in the research, Suresh joined the CurrencyFair Tech Team as a Software Engineer. Suresh loves to play Cricket and He is a member of the Tyrrelstown Cricket Club. He loves to WALK WALK WALK. Alex is one of the early employees of CurrencyFair. Alex has worked for several corporations across Europe and Asia and loves solving business problems and improving the business he gets involved in. When he is not working, he loves to shoot some hoops on local courts and is also an avid console gamer. He is a living proof that white men can jump. Customer Service King Tim heads up CurrencyFairs client service team, having developed a love of helping customers at an early age. Tim previously worked in structured finance and believes the downfall of Lehman Brothers was due to inadequate customer service and not due to exposure to subprime debt as widely publicised. Tim loves playing rugby and red wine, although not at the same time. Customer Service Executive (Australia Office) Leah is passionate about customer service excellence and has a strong background in both customer service and administration. Prior to joining CurrencyFair Leah worked for Canon Australia for a number of years in various customer service roles before making the move to HR Team Assistant for Pacific Smiles Group. When not at work she spends time in sporting events from Rugby to Cricket thanks to her husband and 3 kids and she has even learnt to score at some cricket games. Head of Online Marketing Simon was born some time ago, not far from here. He studied Economics and Philosophy, and then worked at Paddy Power to pass the time until being called to serve with CurrencyFair. He is a keen supporter of the Oxford Comma. He recommends the writings of James Joyce and the films of Macaulay Culkin to anyone who will listen. Originally hailing from Albury, Australia, Matt recently relocated to Dublin from Melbourne. He started out as a digital designer but quickly progressed into UI/UX design and front end development. In his role at CurrencyFair Matt combines his enjoyment for problem solving with his flair for creativity. In his spare time he avidly follows any and all sports, his passion being AFL and anything Essendon Bombers related. In fact he has recently come out of retirement to don his AFL boots for the occasional match with the South Dublin Swans. AML Guru (Australia) Mary works as CurrencyFairs AML Administrator out of the Australian Office. Before making the move to CurrencyFair she worked primarily in Financial Markets Operations at St George Bank for eight plus years. Mary is a bookworm and in her spare time, when not reading, you will find her shopping in cute little boutiques, hunting down great coffee and even better food or at a Power Yoga class. Risk amp Payments Manager Darren is an early user of CurrencyFair and then became an early stage investor. In Jan 2013 he left his job of ten years running a Multi-Strategy Equity Hedge Fund based in London to manage CurrencyFairs Risk Payments. In his spare time Darren enjoys Parkour while base jumping with sharks. James was a cute, but hairy baby, and realised from an early age the advantages of recording music off the radio onto tapes. Joining Paddy Power, James developed a keen interest in all things searchy, spending three years on their SEO Team, dominating everything. Moved to CurrencyFair to see what this start-up lark is all about. Liverpool supporter, but realises this probably isnt our year. Next year isnt either. Dog lover, because cats are dishonest. Gianluca comes from Italy, hes been a Software Engineer for about 4 years. He is passionate about all stack but particularly focuses on cloud computing, automation and DevOps culture. OpenSource contributor and sometimes blogger and speaker. Eoghan is a member of the CurrencyFair client services team. Prior to this, he spent two years at Google Maps in various roles from customer service to project management. Eoghans a big football fan and occasionally likes to pretend he is a football player on the 5-a-side pitch. He also plays the drums and aims to form the inaugural CurrencyFair 80s tribute act. Customer Service Executive Originally started out in the retail industry, with a passion for fashion, which was short lived when I realised working in retail meant having no social life. I did a short stint in Allianz before starting off as a temp at CurrencyFair and fell in love - mainly fueled by the bar and the pool table Im now permanent in CurrencyFair and hope to take Eoghans job within the year. Australian Operations Executive Graeam started out in banking and finance before co-founding an FX start-up. Drawn by the allure of the new P2P foreign exchange space, Graeam joined CurrencyFair, bringing his 12 years experience in FX to help run the Australian operation. Keith is a member of the CurrencyFair Product team. Prior to joining CurrencyFair he spent four years working at Citi, where he was instrumental in the building of, and rollout of a global cash collections network across 70 countries. Having become disillusioned with the ever-increasing FX charges to send money to other banks, he jumped at the chance to join the CurrencyFair team to take on the big banks. Having previously worked as a complaints guru for IFDS, a business process outsourcing company, for over three years, the sway of working beside my old haunt Russells, was too hard to refuse. Oh that and helping CurrencyFairs AML team fight crime on a daily basis. In my spare time I enjoy watching rugby and football and playing the occasional game of pool. but according to a colleague Im like origami. I fold under pressure. Kevin comes with nearly 4 years experience working in various different Startups involved in some very different industries, everything from voucher redemption and bookings, to computer games and groceries. As well as founding Irelands first subscription service for mens underwear. Kevin joined the CurrencyFair team to help with growth through great customer service. His loves are Coffee and Comics. Australian Operations Executive Michael worked for Westpac in retail and back office until he joined fair dinkum CurrencyFair. He loves music and enjoys playing his harmonica and guitar and if provoked can belt out some vocals. He loves to travel and had a fantastic time in the Big Easy in New Orleans on one of these trips. He enjoys fishing and crabbing. Hes mad for rugby, cricket and enjoy his walks with his Cattle Dog, Cabbage. After completing a degree in Sociology I went on to work as a fraud investigator in the banking world for a few years and then for one of the most infamous loans companies in the UK so now its definitely time to work with the good guys for a change. Big interest in all things music and handy with a paddle after all my years playing ping pong in Din Daeng. Killian joined CurrencyFair after many years of client service experience in companies such as Unilever, O2 and Aviva Insurance In his spare time he likes watching and playing football, cricket and golf (badly). Unfortunately his spare time is non-existent at the moment as he has recently become a proud new Dad. Around the office he can be heard recalling stories about his new baby daughter, which his colleagues find fascinating. Mario recently moved from Croatia to Dublin where he works as a software engineer at CurrencyFair. He got started with programming in 7th grade when he figured out how to modify video game scripts to get better cars in the game and has loved software development ever since. Mario is a big fan of Star Trek and Top Gear. eljko started programming immediately after getting his first ZX80 back in the 80s. He thinks that code should to be like a novel - easy to read and understand, but interesting enough to make you think about it. Previously working in fields of banking and betting, he found himself wanting to go global with CurrencyFair. Risk and Compliance Administrator Nicole is a Canadian who hates the cold, something Australians struggle to understand. Unfortunately, living in London for 5 years did not prepare her for avoiding sharks here in sunny Oz. I am a member of the AML team, putting my English and Australian law degrees to good use. Having worked in upmarket restaurants around the world, she knows fantastic places to eat and have extensive knowledge of wine. All of which have helped her easily settle into the Australian office. Head of People and Culture Caroline is an experienced HR leader who thrives on opportunities to work with smart, innovative and fun people to help businesses and people be stronger and better versions of where and who they are today. During her five years living in Australia, she has become a loyal fan of CurrencyFair. Having re-located home to Ireland, Caroline is psyched to work with our passionate leadership team on building out a winning company culture as the business expands. Mateusz is a software engineer playing around with Java for 5 years already. Wanted to be a doctor, studied medicine for a year but decided that logical thinking is more appealing to him and so he pursued his hobby - programming. Expat coming from Poland, craft beer lover, hardcore boardgames player and Eastern Asia culture enthusiast who can speak some Japanese. Strategic PHP whizz, passionate about technology from a very early age, Daniel recently joined CurrencyFair in hopes this would be a shortcut to success. Angus is a data scientist at CurrencyFair. Having studied Engineering, he went on to work in a start up before moving to a large telco as a data analyst. When he is not playing around with datasets using R, VBA SQL he spends his time lamenting his choice of football club (Newcastle), cycling and making overly elaborate holiday plans. Anca is a passionate Java Engineer always eager to get things done and learn new technologies. Having lived in Sweden for a while and coming from the outsourcing IT world, she likes efficient and innovative solutions. When not at work, she loves planning on new trips and often dreams about having all sorts of once in a lifetime experiences. She eventually ends up having them while travelling. Lead Software Engineer Kishore, a polyglot fullstack developer who loves to work across different technologies. Having worked for many years across different technologies with big fat MNCs to NGOs in Africa, he was bitten by the startups bug almost 2 years ago and has ever since not looked back. Kishore brings to the table a strong and deep technical experience combined with consulting and product management skills. He is passionate in Open Source software. Lead PHP developer Gareth is a Lead PHP Engineer, having previously worked in the ATS industry and later with Hostelworld before joining CurrencyFair. A keen tech conference attendee and likes to keep in touch with the latest tech trends. He enjoys eating out (including obsessive check-ins on Facebook) and one day intends to write a restaurant guide called Nyoms of Ireland. In his spare time, he likes running, watching F1, taking photos (without a selfie-stick) and tinkering with a Raspberry Pi. Business Analyst Manager Esther has worked in the financial services and payments industry for 10 years (I know, I know, she only looks 21. well 25 maybe). Esther comes from an Operational background originally and moved into IT and Business Consultancy. Esther is very excited to join CurrencyFairs Product Team. Esther loves travelling, eating out, taking in pretty scenery and enjoying weekends in her hometown of Sligo. Paul has worked as a designer for both business and consumer focused digital products for the last number of years. Believing in a Less, but better approach to design, Paul strives to create a meaningful and intuitive experience for all CurrencyFair users. Also, he owns two pet cockatiels, one of whom is named after Meryl Streep. Customer Service Executive Hailing from sunny Venezuela, Valia is bringing some more latin flair to CurrencyFair. She is a trained architect and started her career designing and selling Italian kitchens. Here Valia honed her customer service and sales skills and is now bringing these skills into CurrencyFair. She loves everything to do with art and coffee and yes she can dance salsa but just not as good as she thinks she does. Customer Activation Team Lead Gavin spent 8 years working in Bank of Irelands Financial Crime Unit working in Retail, Credit Card and cheque Fraud. Having put up with working in a Bank during the Big Recession Gavin decided it was time for a move and joined PaddyPower to work in their AML team in 2014 and has recently made the big move to CurrencyFair. Gavin is an avid sports fan and plays soccer in the Leinster senior League. In his spare time Gavin likes to relax with friends and family and loves a good aul session. Before joining CurrencyFair Carl worked as a sub editor for the Irish Daily Star, as a gardener in Vancouver and in the NAMA Department of AIB. Carls interests include football, getting his hair cut and wearing the skinniest jeans in the office (this includes females). Brian joined us after stints in Glanbia and SAP Ireland as an SAP Support Analyst. When not traipsing around the country following his beloved Longford Town, he is also a long suffering Longford GAA Liverpool fan, as well as a self-proclaimed connoisseur of all things film and TV. Not so proud owner of the dodgiest knees this side of the Shannon. Prior to joining CurrencyFair, Jamie has experienced working with grassroots startups to big corporates. He hopes to bring some lessons learnt from these environments to CurrencyFair. He has interests in tech, psychology and all things design. While not working, Jamie is interested in mountain biking, hiking, travelling and catching up with friends and family. Customer Service Executive Adam is a member of the Client Services team having previously worked in Production Operations with Omnipay and as a Team Lead and Data Evaluator with Google Maps. Having recently moved out to Bray, Adam is relishing the new traffic chaos he encounters on his daily commute to and from CurrenyFair. In his spare time he enjoys playing Wreck the Place with his toddler son. Responds well to cheese. Shane has a strong financial services background working previously as a corporate treasury dealer as well as within the retail foreign exchange space as a business analyst. Hes passionate about great products and first-rate user experiences. A thrill-seeker at heart, Shane also enjoys golf, 5-a-side football and the occasional trip away snowboarding. Loves cats. Brian is a Galwegian living in Dublin for too many years to count. He joined the Product team in CurrencyFair after three years in Realex Payments. When not at work Brian enjoys shouting at inept performances from his chosen sports teams, playing sports (also ineptly), talking loudly, eating burritos and writing biographies about himself. Rob is a relatively recent UCD graduate. He spent some time working in Shanghai before returning to Ireland to take up a position with AIB Merchant Services. He then worked for Citi in an AML role before joining CurrencyFair. Although his playing days are somewhat behind him, he is a keen follower of GAA, football, and rugby. Human Resources Business Partner Lorraine joined the CurrencyFair team as the People Operations Coordinator. Lorraine has a passion for travelling and recently returned from Vancouver, Canada where she lived and worked for 4 years. During her time there, Lorraine not only learned how to ski, but also gained fantastic experience in the HR field. She is excited to work along-side her team members to build on the fantastic culture at CurrencyFair as we continue to grow. Banking Relationship Network Manager While waiting in reception for her interview, Elaine knew that CurrencyFair was the company for her - everyone made her feel really welcome. She joins as a Product Manager from Citi, where she worked for over 4 years in the Innovation Lab. In her spare time she has, as a busy mum of 3, runs, bangs out a few tunes on the piano and likes being with her best friends and family. She comes from northern Italy. She has 8 years experience of which the last 3 spent in Ireland. She loves technology and thats what led her where she is today. She likes to play music and disturbs the neighbours from time to time with her violin and guitar. Started his career in Ukraine where he gained initial experience in programming working remotely for Canadian and USA companies. He ended up joining CurrencyFair in Dublin trying the best to apply his skills. He is struggling to like the Irish weather and teaching coworkers to properly pronounce his surname. Head of Operations Gavin knocked on CurrencyFairs door in 2015, bringing with him 20 years experience in global financial markets and financial services. Spanning roles from derivatives trading and alternative asset management through to building and leading operational teams, he has worked for the likes of Standard Chartered Bank and BNP Paribas, along with strong Australian institutions and boutique investment managers. His true passions revolve around ocean waves and snowy mountainsides. Professionally, he is excited to be an integral part of achieving CurrencyFairs vision. Performance Marketing Manager Spanish, but now calls Ireland home (despite missing the sun, obviously). Passionate about marketing, tech and data, she loves a challenge and to learn something new each day. As an experienced digital marketer coming from Web Summit, Paloma is aiming to disrupt the industry with CurrencyFair. When not at her desk, shes most likely destroying someone at table-tennis. In her free time, shes a travel addict, up for any adventure or sports activity. When hes not busy apologizing on behalf of his country for the hand of Thierry Henry that cost Ireland its qualification to the World Cup 2010, or loosing at table tennis, Max works as a data scientist at CurrencyFair (aka plays with data using Python) in order to find new insight to help the business make the best decisions. I have over 10 years experience working in Financial Services in areas such as Customer Service and Merchant Services. The recession lead me to Australia for nearly four years where I worked as an AML Analyst. Missing all things Irish, I returned home with the hope of working for an exciting and innovative company and breaking away from the banking environment I was so use to. This brought me to CurrencyFair and I am excited to be apart of the AML team here. I love long chats about all things food related. This generally happens during meal times. 24/7 really Customer Activation - AML Having worked in Financial Services for large multi-nationals for the last 10 years I feel completely liberated making the break away from all that is Hedge Funds. I am so happy to be part of Currency Fairs AML team. My favorite things in life are brunch cocktails with family friends. My ultimate life goal is to work remotely whilst travelling the world. HR Business Partner Having spent ten years in the Retail industry, Emma joined the world of FinTech with an open mind. She is genuinely passionate about how the People Culture function can add value to a business. When not working, Emma is a busy lady Usually found out and about on the bike, at the gym, at the theatre, trying new restaurants, singing in her car, dancing in her kitchen, and making travel plans, amongst other things. Head of Marketing With over 13 Years experience in all things Digital CurrencyFair is Davins 4th tech start up. As well as starting and selling his own online venture, hes previously set up scaled two online businesses for Paddy Power. Born with a plastic spoon in his mouth, he is passionate about Fintech and is a preacher of simpler transparent financial services for all In his spare time, he is a struggling musician, tinkling the ivories for his supper Interim Head of People Culture Brian believes that happier employees means happier customers and helps executive teams provide greater value to all shareholders including employees - especially during periods of organisational change. Having built his career in the FTSE 50, Brian now provides interim consulting advise to senior teams on how to make organisations work better. Brian is happy to assist the career promotion prospects for any employee who will share great recipes. After serving her time in the banking industry in Scotland, ten years at Natwest Branch and three years in RBS Head Office she set sail for her time in Oz. After 3 years of some amazing travelling and gaining experience in the finance world of retail it was back to sunny Ireland. Outside of work Sharon likes to run, however her love of socialising sometimes impedes this Before joining CurrencyFair as a Data Analyst Eadan studied Mathematics in UCC. At the moment his main interests lie in machine learning and he loves playing with data in R and Python. If you see Greek symbols written on one of the office whiteboards he was likely nearby A native of Dublin, Alan has worked in finance roles across a range of industries over the last ten years, including financial services, tech, and online gaming. He jumped at the opportunity to work with an ambitious and difference making company like CurrencyFair. Father to a teenage daughter, he seeks sanctuary in cycling and is thoroughly looking forward to embracing his MAMIL years (Middle Aged Men In Lycra, for those not in the know). Customer Services Executive Ed has worked in the financial services industry for over six years, working in several different roles, from project administrator to complaint specialist for the UKs biggest payday lenders. He is a big football fan and has a passion for music and cars. Amanda left Donegal 6 years ago to move to Dublin and has been working in financial services ever since. She previously worked with BOIs financial crime unit before I got the opportunity to join CurrencyFair. Amanda is so happy to have joined the AML team. When she is not working she loves all things sports related and nights out and you will more than likely find her in Donegal at the weekends Dublin born and have recently returned from Western Canada where she lived for a number of years. Strong event management, executive assistant and office management experience across a variety of interesting and challenging industries. She loves to travel and enjoy being out and about with family, friends and meeting new people. shes hands on and approachable. Always up for a laugh. Shes happiest when eating or even thinking about food. Chocolate is her friend. Talent Acquisition Lead Michael has a passion for recruitment. His background is in IT Recruitment and he has a BSc (Hons) in Computer Applications. Michael is responsible for securing the best talent for CurrencyFair. Having previously worked for Next Generation Recruitment, he is now focused on recruiting for CurrencyFair here and abroad. Michael is a boxer and a former chess champion. He loves football, travelling, gaming, chess, playing cards and of course a cold pint of Orchards Thieves cider. Customer Services Executive Carl started at JP Morgan and moved to London to work in the City. After ten years, he wanted to move home for the right opportunity, to work with passionate people (found at CurrencyFair) and preferably at the start of Leinsters rugby season. Carl is delighted to be within walking distance of the RDS, spending quality time with family, friends and secretly watching Gardeners World to get his Jobs for the Weekend from Monty Don Join one of Irelands fastest growing companies Join an ambitious team with a big mission We are building a game changing company and we are hiring people who understand the sheer scale of what we have set out to do. Our Investors Our investors, that also believe in creating a world of fair financial services. CurrencyFair Ltd is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. A CurrencyFair Ltd é uma Representante Corporativa Autorizada (No.419450) da CurrencyFair Australia Pty Ltd, regulamentada na Austrália pela ASIC (Licença AFS No. 402709). Os dados nos sites da CurrencyFair (incluindo dados de preços) são protegidos por direitos de banco de dados. Todos os direitos reservados Escritório Registrado: Colm House, 91 Pembroke Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Irlanda. CurrencyFair Ltd CRO: 469391 (Incorporada na Irlanda) As informações contidas em nosso site são de natureza geral. A CurrencyFair não levou em conta seus objetivos, situação financeira ou necessidades. Before acting on this general advice you should therefore consider the appropriateness of the advice having regard to your situation. Recomendamos que você obtenha aconselhamento financeiro, jurídico e tributário independente antes de tomar qualquer decisão de investimento financeiro. Residentes Australianos - Por favor, considere nossa Declaração de Divulgação de Produto antes de tomar qualquer decisão financeira. Cópia do copyright 2010 ndash 2016 CurrencyFair LTD. Todos os direitos reservados.

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